Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Techno- fixes

I have a very quiet class this semester.  These folks don't talk to one another and it's been hard getting them to respond to questions is class.  I thought a little levity might break down the walls and open the lines of communication.  God knows my attempts at humor so far have not worked.

Today in class I noted the alternate application of Clemmemsen Reduction conditions in TV and movies where hydrogen gas is generated with acid and metal, as when the steel wool pad is place in a cup of acid in the microwave on a timer.  The bad guy enters, the timer starts, the hydrogen in the microwave explodes destroying the room and killing the bad guy, who is felled by a flying toaster strudel.

Silence!  Not even a chuckle!

Thus an i-phone app or Powerpoint app development opportunity for you technical folks out there.  I want a cricket app, where with a push of a button I can have the sound of crickets emit from my i-touch or my laptop when my class queries (or jokes) are met with silence.  As an improved app we could offer other noises from nature: chickens clucking, doves cooing, whale song, horses neighing, cows mooing, jackasses braying.  OK, never mind that last example. They might think the instructor had gone back to lecturing.

T.S. Hall

1 comment:

  1. I would imagine you could record some sounds on your phone and play them whenever needed through iTunes App. The cricket one sounds like a fun idea. People could view the PowerPoint, PDF, etc. Using their iPhone Dropbox App to backup whatever they download. No need to invent to much. There are already some minor chemical structure drawing apps but they are not very good. And don't bother with the named reactions app, it's full of errors. There is definitely room for innovation, but the profit is questionable.
